Friday, October 3, 2008

life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage

I think a lot about courage--in the definition of courage is being afraid and acting anyway. It's not having no fear (that's maladaptive at the very least), it's looking over the precipice and seeing it's scary, but jumping anyway. (this is a metaphorical precipice of course. I'm not really into breaking my femur.)
This topic title is a quote from Anais Nin I had found saved in my old Spanish dictionary. It was from a quote of the day calendar, there's no year on it, but it has to be more than 10 years old. It's funny those things that follow you around your whole life. That quote still resonates with me now as it did then.
And what is scary? I think physical chances are so much easier to take (for me!) than psychic chances... the scariest thing still to me is to raise my hand in a class or meeting to make a comment. But I'll go try to jump onto a 16+ hand horse at a canter and not feel the same trepidation.
I still don't think I'll make a comment at the production meeting today!

ps--I thought I had posted this, but only had saved it... it's a little old, but not too moldy.

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